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The motivation behind the project is to provide a native desktop app for [Matrix] that
feels more like a mainstream chat app ([Riot], Telegram etc) and less like an IRC client.
### Features
Most of the features you would expect from a chat application are missing right now
but we are getting close to a more feature complete client.
Specifically there is support for:
- User registration.
- Creating, joining & leaving rooms.
- Sending & receiving invites.
- Sending & receiving files and emoji (inline widgets for images, audio and file messages).
- Typing notifications.
- Username auto-completion.
- Message & mention notifications.
- Redacting messages.
- Read receipts.
- Basic communities support.
- Room switcher (ctrl-K).
- Light, Dark & System themes.
### Installation
There are continuous nightly releases [here](https://github.com/mujx/nheko/releases/tag/nightly)
for Linux ([AppImage](https://appimage.org/), rpm, deb), Mac and Windows.
#### Arch Linux
pacaur -S nheko-git
#### Fedora
sudo dnf install nheko
#### Gentoo Linux
sudo layman -a matrix
sudo emerge -a nheko
#### Alpine Linux (and postmarketOS)
Make sure you have the testing repositories from `edge` enabled. Note that this is not needed on postmarketOS.
sudo apk add nheko
### Build Requirements
- Qt5 (5.7 or greater). Qt 5.7 adds support for color font rendering with
Freetype, which is essential to properly support emoji.
- CMake 3.1 or greater.
- [LMDB](https://symas.com/lightning-memory-mapped-database/).
- A compiler that supports C++11.
- Clang 3.8 (or greater).
- GCC 7 (or greater).
#### Linux
If you don't want to install any external dependencies, you can generate an AppImage locally using docker.
make docker-app-image
If you're on Debian you should use `make docker-debian-appimage` instead, which uses
Debian as the build host in an attempt to work around this [issue](https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/wiki/Desktop-Linux-Platform-Issues#openssl).
##### Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S qt5-base qt5-tools qt5-multimedia cmake gcc fontconfig lmdb
##### Gentoo Linux
sudo emerge -a ">=dev-qt/qtgui-5.7.1" media-libs/fontconfig
##### Ubuntu (e.g 14.04)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:beineri/opt-qt592-trusty
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:george-edison55/cmake-3.x
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y qt59base qt59tools qt59multimedia cmake liblmdb-dev
To build on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty out-of-the-box requires using Clang 3.6 instead of GCC:
sudo apt-get install clang-3.6
export CC=clang-3.6 CXX=clang++-3.6
On Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty, it's possible to use GCC 4.9.4+, but it is not recommended, because it requires installing GCC packages from third-party PPAs. Later versions of Ubuntu that come with GCC 4.9.4+ should work with GCC out-of-the-box.
##### macOS (Xcode 8 or later)
brew update
brew install qt5 lmdb cmake llvm
### Building
Clone the repo and run
make release
which invokes cmake and translates to
cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
cmake --build build
If the build fails with the following error
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5Widgets" with
any of the following names:
You might need to pass `-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` to cmake to point it at your qt5 install.
e.g on macOS
cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(brew --prefix qt5)
cmake --build build
The `nheko` binary will be located in the `build` directory.
#### Nix
Download the repo as mentioned above and run
in the project folder. This will output a binary to `result/bin/nheko`.
You can also install nheko by running `nix-env -f . -i`
### Contributing
Any kind of contribution to the project is greatly appreciated. You are also
encouraged to open feature request issues.
### Screens
Here is a screen shot to get a feel for the UI, but things will probably change.
### Third party
- [Emoji One](http://emojione.com)
- [Font Awesome](http://fontawesome.io/)
- [Open Sans](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Open+Sans)