
329 lines
13 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Nheko Contributors
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Nheko Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import "./delegates"
import "./emoji"
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.13
import im.nheko 1.0
AbstractButton {
id: r
required property double proportionalHeight
required property int type
required property string typeString
required property int originalWidth
required property string blurhash
required property string body
required property string formattedBody
required property string eventId
required property string filename
required property string filesize
required property string url
required property string thumbnailUrl
required property bool isOnlyEmoji
required property bool isSender
required property bool isEncrypted
required property bool isEditable
required property bool isEdited
required property bool isStateEvent
required property string replyTo
required property string threadId
required property string userId
required property string userName
required property string roomTopic
required property string roomName
required property string callType
required property var reactions
required property int trustlevel
required property int notificationlevel
required property int encryptionError
required property int duration
required property var timestamp
required property int status
required property int index
required property int relatedEventCacheBuster
hoverEnabled: true
width: parent.width
height: row.height+(reactionRow.height > 0 ? reactionRow.height-2 : 0 )+unreadRow.height
Rectangle {
color: (Settings.messageHoverHighlight && hovered) ? Nheko.colors.alternateBase : "transparent"
anchors.fill: parent
// this looks better without margins
TapHandler {
acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton
onSingleTapped: messageContextMenu.show(eventId, threadId, type, isSender, isEncrypted, isEditable, contentItem.child.hoveredLink, contentItem.child.copyText)
gesturePolicy: TapHandler.ReleaseWithinBounds
acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus | PointerDevice.TouchPad
onPressAndHold: messageContextMenu.show(eventId, threadId, type, isSender, isEncrypted, isEditable, contentItem.child.hoveredLink, contentItem.child.copyText)
onDoubleClicked: room.reply = eventId
DragHandler {
id: draghandler
yAxis.enabled: false
xAxis.maximum: 100
xAxis.minimum: -100
onActiveChanged: {
if(!active && (x < -70 || x > 70))
room.reply = eventId
states: State {
name: "dragging"
when: draghandler.active
transitions: Transition {
from: "dragging"
to: ""
PropertyAnimation {
target: r
properties: "x"
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
to: 0
duration: 100
onClicked: {
let link = contentItem.child.linkAt != undefined && contentItem.child.linkAt(pressX-row.x-msg.x, pressY-row.y-msg.y-contentItem.y);
if (link) {
Rectangle {
id: row
property bool bubbleOnRight : isSender && Settings.bubbles
anchors.leftMargin: isStateEvent || Settings.smallAvatars? 0 : Nheko.avatarSize+8 // align bubble with section header
anchors.left: isStateEvent? undefined : (bubbleOnRight? undefined : parent.left)
anchors.right: isStateEvent? undefined: (bubbleOnRight? parent.right : undefined)
anchors.horizontalCenter: isStateEvent? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined
property int maxWidth: (parent.width-(Settings.smallAvatars || isStateEvent? 0 : Nheko.avatarSize+8))*(Settings.bubbles && !isStateEvent? 0.9 : 1)
width: Settings.bubbles? Math.min(maxWidth,Math.max(reply.implicitWidth+8,contentItem.implicitWidth+metadata.width+20)) : maxWidth
height: msg.height+msg.anchors.margins*2
property color userColor: TimelineManager.userColor(userId, Nheko.colors.base)
property color bgColor: Nheko.colors.base
color: (Settings.bubbles && !isStateEvent) ? Qt.tint(bgColor, Qt.hsla(userColor.hslHue, 0.5, userColor.hslLightness, 0.2)) : "#00000000"
radius: 4
border.width: r.notificationlevel == MtxEvent.Highlight ? 1 : 0
border.color: Nheko.theme.red
GridLayout {
anchors {
left: parent.left
top: parent.top
right: parent.right
margins: (Settings.bubbles && ! isStateEvent)? 4 : 2
leftMargin: 4
id: msg
rowSpacing: 0
columnSpacing: 2
columns: Settings.bubbles? 1 : 2
rows: Settings.bubbles? 3 : 2
// fancy reply, if this is a reply
Reply {
Layout.row: 0
Layout.column: 0
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.maximumWidth: Settings.bubbles? Number.MAX_VALUE : implicitWidth
Layout.bottomMargin: visible? 2 : 0
Layout.preferredHeight: height
id: reply
function fromModel(role) {
return replyTo != "" ? room.dataById(replyTo, role, r.eventId) : null;
visible: replyTo
userColor: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, TimelineManager.userColor(userId, Nheko.colors.base)
blurhash: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Blurhash) ?? ""
body: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Body) ?? ""
formattedBody: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.FormattedBody) ?? ""
eventId: fromModel(Room.EventId) ?? ""
filename: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Filename) ?? ""
filesize: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Filesize) ?? ""
proportionalHeight: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.ProportionalHeight) ?? 1
type: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Type) ?? MtxEvent.UnknownMessage
typeString: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.TypeString) ?? ""
url: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Url) ?? ""
originalWidth: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.OriginalWidth) ?? 0
isOnlyEmoji: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.IsOnlyEmoji) ?? false
isStateEvent: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.IsStateEvent) ?? false
userId: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.UserId) ?? ""
userName: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.UserName) ?? ""
thumbnailUrl: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.ThumbnailUrl) ?? ""
duration: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.Duration) ?? ""
roomTopic: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.RoomTopic) ?? ""
roomName: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.RoomName) ?? ""
callType: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.CallType) ?? ""
encryptionError: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.EncryptionError) ?? ""
relatedEventCacheBuster: r.relatedEventCacheBuster, fromModel(Room.RelatedEventCacheBuster) ?? 0
// actual message content
MessageDelegate {
Layout.row: 1
Layout.column: 0
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: height
id: contentItem
blurhash: r.blurhash
body: r.body
formattedBody: r.formattedBody
eventId: r.eventId
filename: r.filename
filesize: r.filesize
proportionalHeight: r.proportionalHeight
type: r.type
typeString: r.typeString ?? ""
url: r.url
thumbnailUrl: r.thumbnailUrl
duration: r.duration
originalWidth: r.originalWidth
isOnlyEmoji: r.isOnlyEmoji
isStateEvent: r.isStateEvent
userId: r.userId
userName: r.userName
roomTopic: r.roomTopic
roomName: r.roomName
callType: r.callType
encryptionError: r.encryptionError
relatedEventCacheBuster: r.relatedEventCacheBuster
isReply: false
metadataWidth: metadata.width
Row {
id: metadata
Layout.column: Settings.bubbles? 0 : 1
Layout.row: Settings.bubbles? 2 : 0
Layout.rowSpan: Settings.bubbles? 1 : 2
Layout.bottomMargin: -2
Layout.topMargin: (contentItem.fitsMetadata && Settings.bubbles)? -height-Layout.bottomMargin : 0
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignRight
Layout.preferredWidth: implicitWidth
visible: !isStateEvent
spacing: 2
property double scaling: Settings.bubbles? 0.75 : 1
property int iconSize: Math.floor(fontMetrics.ascent*scaling)
StatusIndicator {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop
height: parent.iconSize
width: parent.iconSize
status: r.status
eventId: r.eventId
anchors.verticalCenter: ts.verticalCenter
Image {
visible: isEdited || eventId == room.edit
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop
height: parent.iconSize
width: parent.iconSize
sourceSize.width: parent.iconSize * Screen.devicePixelRatio
sourceSize.height: parent.iconSize * Screen.devicePixelRatio
source: "image://colorimage/:/icons/icons/ui/edit.svg?" + ((eventId == room.edit) ? Nheko.colors.highlight : Nheko.colors.buttonText)
ToolTip.visible: editHovered.hovered
ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Edited")
anchors.verticalCenter: ts.verticalCenter
HoverHandler {
id: editHovered
ImageButton {
visible: threadId
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop
height: parent.iconSize
width: parent.iconSize
image: ":/icons/icons/ui/thread.svg"
buttonTextColor: TimelineManager.userColor(threadId, Nheko.colors.base)
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Part of a thread")
anchors.verticalCenter: ts.verticalCenter
onClicked: room.thread = threadId
EncryptionIndicator {
visible: room.isEncrypted
encrypted: isEncrypted
trust: trustlevel
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop
height: parent.iconSize
width: parent.iconSize
sourceSize.width: parent.iconSize * Screen.devicePixelRatio
sourceSize.height: parent.iconSize * Screen.devicePixelRatio
anchors.verticalCenter: ts.verticalCenter
Label {
id: ts
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop
Layout.preferredWidth: implicitWidth
text: timestamp.toLocaleTimeString(Locale.ShortFormat)
color: Nheko.inactiveColors.text
ToolTip.visible: ma.hovered
ToolTip.delay: Nheko.tooltipDelay
ToolTip.text: Qt.formatDateTime(timestamp, Qt.DefaultLocaleLongDate)
font.pointSize: fontMetrics.font.pointSize*parent.scaling
HoverHandler {
id: ma
Reactions {
anchors {
top: row.bottom
topMargin: -2
left: row.bubbleOnRight? undefined : row.left
right: row.bubbleOnRight? row.right : undefined
width: row.maxWidth
layoutDirection: row.bubbleOnRight? Qt.RightToLeft : Qt.LeftToRight
id: reactionRow
reactions: r.reactions
eventId: r.eventId
Rectangle {
id: unreadRow
anchors {
top: reactionRow.bottom
topMargin: 5
color: Nheko.colors.highlight
width: row.maxWidth
visible: (r.index > 0 && (room.fullyReadEventId == r.eventId))
height: visible ? 3 : 0