/* * nheko Copyright (C) 2017 Konstantinos Sideris * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Logging.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "RoomInfoListItem.h" #include "RoomList.h" #include "UserSettingsPage.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "ui/OverlayModal.h" RoomList::RoomList(QSharedPointer userSettings, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { topLayout_ = new QVBoxLayout(this); topLayout_->setSpacing(0); topLayout_->setMargin(0); scrollArea_ = new QScrollArea(this); scrollArea_->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); scrollArea_->setSizeAdjustPolicy(QAbstractScrollArea::AdjustToContents); scrollArea_->setWidgetResizable(true); scrollArea_->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeading | Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignVCenter); scrollArea_->setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents); QScroller::grabGesture(scrollArea_, QScroller::TouchGesture); QScroller::grabGesture(scrollArea_, QScroller::LeftMouseButtonGesture); // The scrollbar on macOS will hide itself when not active so it won't interfere // with the content. #if not defined(Q_OS_MAC) scrollArea_->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); #endif scrollAreaContents_ = new QWidget(this); scrollAreaContents_->setObjectName("roomlist_area"); contentsLayout_ = new QVBoxLayout(scrollAreaContents_); contentsLayout_->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); contentsLayout_->setSpacing(0); contentsLayout_->setMargin(0); scrollArea_->setWidget(scrollAreaContents_); topLayout_->addWidget(scrollArea_); connect(this, &RoomList::updateRoomAvatarCb, this, &RoomList::updateRoomAvatar); connect(userSettings.data(), &UserSettings::roomSortingChanged, this, &RoomList::sortRoomsByLastMessage); } void RoomList::addRoom(const QString &room_id, const RoomInfo &info) { auto room_item = new RoomInfoListItem(room_id, info, scrollArea_); room_item->setRoomName(QString::fromStdString(std::move(info.name))); connect(room_item, &RoomInfoListItem::clicked, this, &RoomList::highlightSelectedRoom); connect(room_item, &RoomInfoListItem::leaveRoom, this, [](const QString &room_id) { MainWindow::instance()->openLeaveRoomDialog(room_id); }); QSharedPointer roomWidget(room_item, &QObject::deleteLater); rooms_.emplace(room_id, roomWidget); rooms_sort_cache_.push_back(roomWidget); if (!info.avatar_url.empty()) updateAvatar(room_id, QString::fromStdString(info.avatar_url)); int pos = contentsLayout_->count() - 1; contentsLayout_->insertWidget(pos, room_item); } void RoomList::updateAvatar(const QString &room_id, const QString &url) { emit updateRoomAvatarCb(room_id, url); } void RoomList::removeRoom(const QString &room_id, bool reset) { auto roomIt = rooms_.find(room_id); if (roomIt == rooms_.end()) { return; } for (auto roomSortIt = rooms_sort_cache_.begin(); roomSortIt != rooms_sort_cache_.end(); ++roomSortIt) { if (roomIt->second == *roomSortIt) { rooms_sort_cache_.erase(roomSortIt); break; } } rooms_.erase(room_id); if (rooms_.empty() || !reset) return; auto room = firstRoom(); if (room.second.isNull()) return; room.second->setPressedState(true); emit roomChanged(room.first); } void RoomList::updateUnreadMessageCount(const QString &roomid, int count, int highlightedCount) { if (!roomExists(roomid)) { nhlog::ui()->warn("updateUnreadMessageCount: unknown room_id {}", roomid.toStdString()); return; } rooms_[roomid]->updateUnreadMessageCount(count, highlightedCount); calculateUnreadMessageCount(); sortRoomsByLastMessage(); } void RoomList::calculateUnreadMessageCount() { int total_unread_msgs = 0; for (const auto &room : rooms_) { if (!room.second.isNull()) total_unread_msgs += room.second->unreadMessageCount(); } emit totalUnreadMessageCountUpdated(total_unread_msgs); } void RoomList::initialize(const QMap &info) { nhlog::ui()->info("initialize room list"); rooms_.clear(); // prevent flickering and save time sorting over and over again setUpdatesEnabled(false); for (auto it = info.begin(); it != info.end(); it++) { if (it.value().is_invite) addInvitedRoom(it.key(), it.value()); else addRoom(it.key(), it.value()); } for (auto it = info.begin(); it != info.end(); it++) updateRoomDescription(it.key(), it.value().msgInfo); setUpdatesEnabled(true); if (rooms_.empty()) return; sortRoomsByLastMessage(); auto room = firstRoom(); if (room.second.isNull()) return; room.second->setPressedState(true); emit roomChanged(room.first); } void RoomList::cleanupInvites(const std::map &invites) { if (invites.size() == 0) return; utils::erase_if(rooms_, [invites](auto &room) { auto room_id = room.first; auto item = room.second; if (!item) return false; return item->isInvite() && (invites.find(room_id) == invites.end()); }); } void RoomList::sync(const std::map &info) { for (const auto &room : info) updateRoom(room.first, room.second); if (!info.empty()) sortRoomsByLastMessage(); } void RoomList::highlightSelectedRoom(const QString &room_id) { emit roomChanged(room_id); if (!roomExists(room_id)) { nhlog::ui()->warn("roomlist: clicked unknown room_id"); return; } for (auto const &room : rooms_) { if (room.second.isNull()) continue; if (room.first != room_id) { room.second->setPressedState(false); } else { room.second->setPressedState(true); scrollArea_->ensureWidgetVisible(room.second.data()); } } selectedRoom_ = room_id; } void RoomList::nextRoom() { for (int ii = 0; ii < contentsLayout_->count() - 1; ++ii) { auto room = qobject_cast(contentsLayout_->itemAt(ii)->widget()); if (!room) continue; if (room->roomId() == selectedRoom_) { auto nextRoom = qobject_cast( contentsLayout_->itemAt(ii + 1)->widget()); // Not a room message. if (!nextRoom || nextRoom->isInvite()) return; emit roomChanged(nextRoom->roomId()); if (!roomExists(nextRoom->roomId())) { nhlog::ui()->warn("roomlist: clicked unknown room_id"); return; } room->setPressedState(false); nextRoom->setPressedState(true); scrollArea_->ensureWidgetVisible(nextRoom); selectedRoom_ = nextRoom->roomId(); return; } } } void RoomList::previousRoom() { for (int ii = 1; ii < contentsLayout_->count(); ++ii) { auto room = qobject_cast(contentsLayout_->itemAt(ii)->widget()); if (!room) continue; if (room->roomId() == selectedRoom_) { auto nextRoom = qobject_cast( contentsLayout_->itemAt(ii - 1)->widget()); // Not a room message. if (!nextRoom || nextRoom->isInvite()) return; emit roomChanged(nextRoom->roomId()); if (!roomExists(nextRoom->roomId())) { nhlog::ui()->warn("roomlist: clicked unknown room_id"); return; } room->setPressedState(false); nextRoom->setPressedState(true); scrollArea_->ensureWidgetVisible(nextRoom); selectedRoom_ = nextRoom->roomId(); return; } } } void RoomList::updateRoomAvatar(const QString &roomid, const QString &img) { if (!roomExists(roomid)) { nhlog::ui()->warn("avatar update on non-existent room_id: {}", roomid.toStdString()); return; } rooms_[roomid]->setAvatar(img); // Used to inform other widgets for the new image data. emit roomAvatarChanged(roomid, img); } void RoomList::updateRoomDescription(const QString &roomid, const DescInfo &info) { if (!roomExists(roomid)) { nhlog::ui()->warn("description update on non-existent room_id: {}, {}", roomid.toStdString(), info.body.toStdString()); return; } rooms_[roomid]->setDescriptionMessage(info); if (underMouse()) { // When the user hover out of the roomlist a sort will be triggered. isSortPending_ = true; return; } isSortPending_ = false; emit sortRoomsByLastMessage(); } struct room_sort { bool operator()(const QSharedPointer &a, const QSharedPointer &b) const { // Sort by "importance" (i.e. invites before mentions before // notifs before new events before old events), then secondly // by recency. // Checking importance first const auto a_importance = a->calculateImportance(); const auto b_importance = b->calculateImportance(); if (a_importance != b_importance) { return a_importance > b_importance; } // Now sort by recency // Zero if empty, otherwise the time that the event occured const uint64_t a_recency = a->lastMsgInfo_.userid.isEmpty() ? 0 : a->lastMsgInfo_.timestamp; const uint64_t b_recency = b->lastMsgInfo_.userid.isEmpty() ? 0 : b->lastMsgInfo_.timestamp; return a_recency > b_recency; } }; void RoomList::sortRoomsByLastMessage() { isSortPending_ = false; std::stable_sort(begin(rooms_sort_cache_), end(rooms_sort_cache_), room_sort{}); int newIndex = 0; for (const auto &roomWidget : rooms_sort_cache_) { const auto currentIndex = contentsLayout_->indexOf(roomWidget.data()); if (currentIndex != newIndex) { contentsLayout_->removeWidget(roomWidget.data()); contentsLayout_->insertWidget(newIndex, roomWidget.data()); } newIndex++; } } void RoomList::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) { if (isSortPending_) QTimer::singleShot(700, this, &RoomList::sortRoomsByLastMessage); QWidget::leaveEvent(event); } void RoomList::closeJoinRoomDialog(bool isJoining, QString roomAlias) { joinRoomModal_->hide(); if (isJoining) emit joinRoom(roomAlias); } void RoomList::removeFilter(const std::set &roomsToHide) { setUpdatesEnabled(false); for (int i = 0; i < contentsLayout_->count(); i++) { auto widget = qobject_cast(contentsLayout_->itemAt(i)->widget()); if (widget) { if (roomsToHide.find(widget->roomId()) == roomsToHide.end()) widget->show(); else widget->hide(); } } setUpdatesEnabled(true); } void RoomList::applyFilter(const std::set &filter) { // Disabling paint updates will resolve issues with screen flickering on big room lists. setUpdatesEnabled(false); for (int i = 0; i < contentsLayout_->count(); i++) { // If filter contains the room for the current RoomInfoListItem, // show the list item, otherwise hide it auto listitem = qobject_cast(contentsLayout_->itemAt(i)->widget()); if (!listitem) continue; if (filter.find(listitem->roomId()) != filter.end()) listitem->show(); else listitem->hide(); } setUpdatesEnabled(true); // If the already selected room is part of the group, make sure it's visible. if (!selectedRoom_.isEmpty() && (filter.find(selectedRoom_) != filter.end())) return; selectFirstVisibleRoom(); } void RoomList::selectFirstVisibleRoom() { for (int i = 0; i < contentsLayout_->count(); i++) { auto item = qobject_cast(contentsLayout_->itemAt(i)->widget()); if (item && item->isVisible()) { highlightSelectedRoom(item->roomId()); break; } } } void RoomList::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QStyleOption opt; opt.init(this); QPainter p(this); style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this); } void RoomList::updateRoom(const QString &room_id, const RoomInfo &info) { if (!roomExists(room_id)) { if (info.is_invite) addInvitedRoom(room_id, info); else addRoom(room_id, info); return; } auto room = rooms_[room_id]; updateAvatar(room_id, QString::fromStdString(info.avatar_url)); room->setRoomName(QString::fromStdString(info.name)); room->setRoomType(info.is_invite); room->update(); } void RoomList::addInvitedRoom(const QString &room_id, const RoomInfo &info) { auto room_item = new RoomInfoListItem(room_id, info, scrollArea_); connect(room_item, &RoomInfoListItem::acceptInvite, this, &RoomList::acceptInvite); connect(room_item, &RoomInfoListItem::declineInvite, this, &RoomList::declineInvite); QSharedPointer roomWidget(room_item); rooms_.emplace(room_id, roomWidget); rooms_sort_cache_.push_back(roomWidget); updateAvatar(room_id, QString::fromStdString(info.avatar_url)); int pos = contentsLayout_->count() - 1; contentsLayout_->insertWidget(pos, room_item); } std::pair> RoomList::firstRoom() const { for (int i = 0; i < contentsLayout_->count(); i++) { auto item = qobject_cast(contentsLayout_->itemAt(i)->widget()); if (item) { auto topRoom = rooms_.find(item->roomId()); if (topRoom != rooms_.end()) { return std::pair>( item->roomId(), topRoom->second); } } } return {}; } void RoomList::updateReadStatus(const std::map &status) { for (const auto &room : status) { if (roomExists(room.first)) { auto item = rooms_.at(room.first); if (item) item->setReadState(room.second); } } }