#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import re from unidecode import unidecode from jinja2 import Template class Emoji(object): def __init__(self, code, shortname): self.code = ''.join(['\\U'+c.rjust(8, '0') for c in code.strip().split(' ')]) self.shortname = shortname def generate_qml_list(**kwargs): tmpl = Template(''' const QVector emoji::Provider::emoji = { {%- for c in kwargs.items() %} // {{ c[0].capitalize() }} {%- for e in c[1] %} Emoji{QStringLiteral(u"{{ e.code }}"), QStringLiteral(u"{{ e.shortname }}"), emoji::Emoji::Category::{{ c[0].capitalize() }}}, {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} }; ''') d = dict(kwargs=kwargs) print(tmpl.render(d)) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 3: print('usage: emoji_codegen.py /path/to/emoji-test.txt /path/to/shortcodes.txt') sys.exit(1) filename = sys.argv[1] shortcodefilename = sys.argv[2] people = [] nature = [] food = [] activity = [] travel = [] objects = [] symbols = [] flags = [] categories = { 'Smileys & Emotion': people, 'People & Body': people, 'Animals & Nature': nature, 'Food & Drink': food, 'Travel & Places': travel, 'Activities': activity, 'Objects': objects, 'Symbols': symbols, 'Flags': flags } shortcodeDict = {} # for my sanity - this strips newlines for line in open(shortcodefilename, 'r', encoding="utf8"): longname, shortname = line.strip().split(':') shortcodeDict[longname] = shortname current_category = '' for line in open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8"): if line.startswith('# group:'): current_category = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue segments = re.split(r'\s+[#;] ', line.strip()) if len(segments) != 3: continue code, qualification, charAndName = segments # skip unqualified versions of same unicode if qualification != 'fully-qualified': continue char, name = re.match(r'^(\S+) E\d+\.\d+ (.*)$', charAndName).groups() #TODO: Handle skintone modifiers in a sane way if name in shortcodeDict: # TODO: this duplicates emoji categories[current_category].append(Emoji(code, shortcodeDict[name])) if name.endswith(' face'): name = name[:-5] elif name.endswith(' button'): name = name[:-7] else: matchobj = re.match(r'^flag: (.*)$', name) if matchobj: country, = matchobj.groups() name = country + " flag" name = name.replace(" ", "_") name = name.replace("“", "") name = name.replace("”", "") name = name.replace(":", "") name = name.lower() name = unidecode(name) categories[current_category].append(Emoji(code, name)) # Use xclip to pipe the output to clipboard. # e.g ./codegen.py emoji.json | xclip -sel clip # alternatively - delete the var from src/emoji/Provider.cpp, and do ./codegen.py emojis shortcodes >> src/emoji/Provider.cpp generate_qml_list(people=people, nature=nature, food=food, activity=activity, travel=travel, objects=objects, symbols=symbols, flags=flags)