import QtQuick 2.6 import im.nheko 1.0 Item { // Workaround to have an assignable global property Item { id: model property var data; } property alias modelData: height: chooser.childrenRect.height DelegateChooser { id: chooser //role: "type" //< not supported in our custom implementation, have to use roleValue roleValue: anchors.fill: parent DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.UnknownMessage Placeholder { text: "Unretrieved event" } } DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.TextMessage TextMessage {} } DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.NoticeMessage NoticeMessage {} } DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.EmoteMessage NoticeMessage { formatted: chat.model.escapeEmoji(modelData.userName) + " " + color: timelineManager.userColor(modelData.userId, colors.window) } } DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.ImageMessage ImageMessage {} } DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.Sticker ImageMessage {} } DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.FileMessage FileMessage {} } DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.VideoMessage PlayableMediaMessage {} } DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.AudioMessage PlayableMediaMessage {} } DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.Redacted Pill { text: qsTr("redacted") } } DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.Encryption Pill { text: qsTr("Encryption enabled") } } DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.Name NoticeMessage { text: ? qsTr("room name changed to: %1").arg( : qsTr("removed room name") } } DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.Topic NoticeMessage { text: ? qsTr("topic changed to: %1").arg( : qsTr("removed topic") } } DelegateChoice { roleValue: MtxEvent.Member NoticeMessage { text: timelineManager.timeline.formatMemberEvent(; } } DelegateChoice { Placeholder {} } } }