
53 lines
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This modules defines the data structure used
to store the URLs in memory and on disk.
module Breve.UrlTable
( UrlTable
, load
, insert
, extract
) where
import Breve.Generator
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as H
-- | The hash table that stores URLs
type UrlTable = H.CuckooHashTable Name Url
-- | Periodically writes a 'UrlTable' to a file
-- The table is stored in a text file
-- as Haskell code for semplicity.
sync :: UrlTable -> FilePath -> IO ()
sync table file = forever $ do
threadDelay (round 3.0e8)
content <- show <$> H.toList table
writeFile file content
-- | Loads a URL table from a file
-- The format should be the same one used
-- by the 'sync' function.
load :: FilePath -> IO UrlTable
load file = do
content <- readFile file
table <- case readMaybe content of
Just list -> H.fromList list
Nothing ->
forkIO (sync table file)
return table
-- | Insert the URL in a table and return the name
insert :: UrlTable -> Url -> IO Name
insert table url = H.insert table new url >> return new
where new = nameHash url
-- | Lookup a table for the associated URL
extract :: UrlTable -> Name -> IO (Maybe Url)
extract = H.lookup