add Nix expression for static/cross compilation

master 0.3.0
Michele Guerini Rocco 2021-05-11 16:44:43 +02:00
parent 26cdfa7994
commit 74c7db11a8
Signed by: rnhmjoj
GPG Key ID: BFBAF4C975F76450
2 changed files with 47 additions and 1 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,2 +1 @@

default.nix Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
{ nixpkgs ? <nixpkgs>
, static ? false
, compiler ? "default"
, doBenchmark ? false
, system ? builtins.currentSystem
basepkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
pkgs = if static then basepkgs.pkgsStatic else basepkgs.pkgs;
f = { mkDerivation, base, bytestring, configurator, data-default
, directory, exceptions, filepath, leveldb-haskell, mtl, selda
, selda-sqlite , lib, text, snappy
mkDerivation {
pname = "bisc";
version = "";
src = ./.;
isLibrary = false;
isExecutable = true;
executableHaskellDepends = [
base bytestring configurator data-default directory exceptions
filepath leveldb-haskell mtl selda selda-sqlite text
executableSystemDepends = [ snappy ];
buildFlags = lib.optionals static [
homepage = "";
description = "A small tool that clears cookies (and more)";
license = lib.licenses.gpl3;
ghc = if static then pkgs.haskell.packages.integer-simple.ghc8104
else if compiler == "default" then pkgs.haskellPackages
else pkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler};
variant = if doBenchmark then pkgs.haskell.lib.doBenchmark else;
drv = variant (ghc.callPackage f {});
if pkgs.lib.inNixShell then drv.env else drv