
126 lines
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class PBS
constructor: (@list, @verbose) ->
@days = []
@criticalPaths = []
log: (x...) ->
if @verbose
if chalk?
console.log chalk.bold "[ Pert ]", x...
else console.log "[ Pert ]", x...
err: (x...) ->
if chalk?
console.log chalk.bold chalk.red("[ !Pert! ]"), x...
else console.log "[ !Pert! ]", x...
# Returns the highest number in an array of numbers
maxa: (l) -> return Math.max.apply null, l
# Find the activity with given id
toActivity: (id) =>
if !@list? then @err "list is", @list
item = {}
for i,x of @list
if x.id is id then item = x
return item
# Compute the item's end day
calculateEndDay: (item) =>
if !item.startDay?
@log "calculating start day of",item.id
item.startDay = @calculateStartDay item
@log "start day of",item.id,"is",item.startDay
item.endDay = item.startDay + item.duration
@log "end day of",item.id,"is",item.endDay
@insertDay item.endDay
return item.endDay
# Find out which day the activity starts
calculateStartDay: (item) =>
if !item.depends? or item.depends.length is 0
@insertDay 0
return item.startDay = 0
item.startDay = @maxa item.depends.map(@toActivity).map @calculateEndDay
@log "start day of",item.id,"is",item.startDay
# write max delay time to each depend
for j,x of item.depends
@log "checking permittedDelay to dependency", x, "of", item
i = @toActivity x
if !i.dependant? then i.dependant = [item.id]
else i.dependant.push item.id
if !i.permittedDelay?
i.permittedDelay = item.startDay - @calculateEndDay i
@log "written permittedDelay to dependency", x, "of", item, "as", i.permittedDelay
else @log "aborting permittedDelay: already calculated"
@log "permitted delay of",x,"is",i.permittedDelay
@insertDay item.startDay
return item.startDay
calculateDelays: (item) =>
if !item.dependant? or item.dependant.length is 0 then return no
lowestFDelay = 0; fDelay = no; cDelay = 0
for j,i of item.dependant
x = @toActivity i
if !isNaN(x.permittedDelay) or x.permittedDelay < lowestFDelay or fDelay is no
@log "activity", i, "dependant on", item.id, "has the lowest delay for now ("+(x.permittedDelay or 0)+")"
lowestFDelay = x.permittedDelay or 0
cDelay = x.chainedDelay or 0
fDelay = yes
olDelay = item.chainedDelay
item.chainedDelay = lowestFDelay + cDelay
@log "chained delay of", item.id, "is", item.chainedDelay
return item.chainedDelay isnt olDelay
calculateCriticalPaths: (path) ->
@log "calculating path from",path
lastID = path[path.length - 1]
last = @toActivity lastID
if last.dependant? and last.dependant.length > 0
last.dependant.forEach (x) =>
ii = @toActivity x
delay = ii.permittedDelay or 0
if delay is 0
@calculateCriticalPaths path.concat x
@log "dead end at", lastID, "-->", x, "because delay is", delay
path.forEach (x) => @toActivity(x).critical = yes
@log "calculated path", path
@criticalPaths.push path
# Find out which activity has the highest id
highestID: => return @maxa(@list.map (x) -> x.id)
# Insert a day to the list of days if it's not there already
insertDay: (day) =>
for d in @days
if day is d then return
@days.push day
setData: (data) ->
@list = data
return @
calculate: (options,cb) ->
h = @highestID()
for x,i in @list
@log '('+x.id+'/'+h+')'
@calculateEndDay x
finished = no; i = 0
while !finished
i++; finished = yes
for x,i in @list
if @calculateDelays x
finished = no
@log "Done calculating delays. Took", i, "iterations"
for x,i in @list
if !x.depends? or x.depends.length is 0
@calculateCriticalPaths [x.id]
results = activities: @list, days: @days, criticalPaths: @criticalPaths
if options?.json
if cb? then cb(JSON.stringify results)
JSON.stringify results
if cb? then cb(results)