splitted calculate() into different functions

This commit is contained in:
Enrico Fasoli 2015-04-11 09:24:35 +02:00
parent 30fd7b3211
commit 6aee9ae033
1 changed files with 54 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ class PBS
console.log chalk.bold chalk.red("[ Pert ]"), x...
else console.log "[ !Pert! ]", x...
if @errListener?.call? then @errListener x
return x
# Already Async
compileResources: =>
@log 'compiling resources...'
if not @resources? then return
@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ class PBS
maxa: (l) -> return Math.max.apply null, l
# Find the activity with given id
#TODO: write async version 'withActivity'
toActivity: (id) =>
if !@list? then @err "list is", @list
item = {}
@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ class PBS
return item
# Find the activity with given id
#TODO: write async version 'withResource'
toResource: (id) =>
unless @resources?.push? then return
item = {}
@ -61,6 +65,31 @@ class PBS
if x.id is id or x.name is id then item = x
return item
calculateFreeDelay: (dependencyID,dependantID) =>
@log "checking freeDelay to dependency", dependencyID, "of", dependantID
i = @toActivity dependencyID
dependant = @toActivity dependantID
if !i.dependant? then i.dependant = [dependant.id]
else i.dependant.push dependant.id
if !i.permittedDelay?
i.permittedDelay = dependant.startDay - @calculateEndDay i
@log "written permittedDelay to dependency", dependencyID, "of", dependant, "as", i.permittedDelay
else @log "aborting permittedDelay: already calculated"
@log "permitted delay of",dependencyID,"is",i.permittedDelay
# Find out which day the activity starts
calculateStartDay: (item) =>
if !item.depends? or item.depends.length is 0
@insertDay 0
return item.startDay = 0
item.startDay = @maxa item.depends.map(@toActivity).map @calculateEndDay
@log "start day of",item.id,"is",item.startDay
# write max delay time to each depend
for j,x of item.depends
@calculateFreeDelay x, item.id
@insertDay item.startDay
return item.startDay
# Compute the item's end day
calculateEndDay: (item) =>
if !item.startDay?
@ -72,28 +101,7 @@ class PBS
@insertDay item.endDay
return item.endDay
# Find out which day the activity starts
calculateStartDay: (item) =>
if !item.depends? or item.depends.length is 0
@insertDay 0
return item.startDay = 0
item.startDay = @maxa item.depends.map(@toActivity).map @calculateEndDay
@log "start day of",item.id,"is",item.startDay
# write max delay time to each depend
for j,x of item.depends
@log "checking permittedDelay to dependency", x, "of", item
i = @toActivity x
if !i.dependant? then i.dependant = [item.id]
else i.dependant.push item.id
if !i.permittedDelay?
i.permittedDelay = item.startDay - @calculateEndDay i
@log "written permittedDelay to dependency", x, "of", item, "as", i.permittedDelay
else @log "aborting permittedDelay: already calculated"
@log "permitted delay of",x,"is",i.permittedDelay
@insertDay item.startDay
return item.startDay
calculateDelays: (item) =>
calculateChainedDelays: (item) =>
if !item.dependant? or item.dependant.length is 0 then return no
olDelay = item.chainedDelay
if item.critical
@ -146,23 +154,34 @@ class PBS
@list = data
return @
calculate: (options,cb) ->
# Calculate startDay, endDay, freeDelay
calculateEndDays: =>
for x,i in @list
@log '('+i+'/'+@list.length+')'
@log 'StartDay, EndDay for ('+i+'/'+@list.length+')'
@calculateEndDay x
# Calculate Critical Paths
calculateAllCriticalPaths: =>
for x,i in @list
if !x.depends? or x.depends.length is 0
@calculateCriticalPaths [x.id]
# Calculate chained Delays
calculateAllChainedDelays: =>
finished = no; i = 0
while !finished
i++; finished = yes
for x,i in @list
if @calculateDelays x
if @calculateChainedDelays x
finished = no
@log "Done calculating delays. Took", i, "iterations"
@log "Done calculating chained delays. Took", i, "iterations"
calculate: (options,cb) ->
#if !cb? or !cb.call?
#return @err 'calculate called without callback'
# Calculate startDay, endDay, freeDelay
# Calculate Critical Paths
# Calculate chained Delays
# Compile resource information
# done
@ -173,8 +192,10 @@ class PBS
resources: @resources || []
@log 'Done', results
if options?.json
if cb? then cb(JSON.stringify results)
JSON.stringify results
if cb?.call?
cb null, JSON.stringify results
else return JSON.stringify results
if cb? then cb(results)
if cb?.call?
cb null, results
else return results